Saturday, July 11, 2009


So I didn't want to post this elsewhere due to people on my LJ having numerous relationship problems and whatnot. I believe pretty strongly in other people's thoughts having effects on your life, i.e. if enough people wish you ill, it'll probably show up somewhere in your life. And in all honesty, I don't have that much going on that's good right now and I'd like to keep what I do have.

So anywho...

Tonight was awesome. I brought a friend from work to a party a few weeks ago where we decided to start dating casually. Tonight was our first actual "date", AKA some drinking mixed with a lot of cuddling, talking, and watching Samurai Champloo. Which I highly recommend (the Samurai Champloo part, though I recommend the first three as well, of course), but that's neither here nor there.

I may have mentioned her... rather novel.. living situation, but I won't do so here. The important thing is, I really, honestly don't care.

So! Day three of my seven-day-straight work week is over.. four more to go. The last three days, of course, are ten-hour days, but hey, I'll get through it eventually.


In my spare time (spare time? what's that?), I'm studying for my chemistry GRE, which I will most likely have to take October-December-ish so I can go to grad school next fall. I've realized that, for some reason, I absolutely cannot learn anything I don't teach myself. I've learned more chemistry in the past 2 weeks than I learned in four years at UD.

Very weird.