Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Welcome to my new blog. This is intended to be a collection of stories, fictional and otherwise. If you want generally whiny personal updates, check here.

In person I'm often incoherent, unable to sort my thoughts into a logical progression. I'm continually trying to get my point across, but the stories I tell tend to be rambling and pointless, often stopping somewhere in the middle because I've already told you the end and I've suddenly remembered some vastly important detail that changes the entire story.

I've been writing since forever. With writing, I have the time to sort everything out. I've lived a strange, strange life and I think there are stories to tell out of this that need telling.

That's not going to happen via speech, however, unless you like disconnected, homeless-person-esque narratives.

I should be sleeping now because I have stuff to do later but I wanted to post this and see what it looked like.

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