Sunday, March 15, 2009


I used to think life was this big journey we all took together, and that the point was to get as far down the road as you could, with as many people as you could.

I don't necessarily think that, anymore. I think life is just kind of there. It is what it is. I keep repeating this to myself as a sort of mantra. It is what it is. Doesn't that sound great? It makes the bad things not seem as bad, and it puts the good things in perspective, too. I have trouble doing both.

# # ##
#### # O O# ###
# # = # #
# # VVV# #
# # | # # !!!!!
# # ^^^# #
######### OO*
######### ***
######### |
######### -----
######## |
######## ######## / \

This ASCII art above isn't a complete metaphor for life, but it certainly captures something about it.

Sometimes you're the thing on the left, sometimes you're the one on the right. I don't know whether the thing on the left is being menacing or inspiring. I don't know if the thing on the right is frightened or inspired. I don't know which creature I am, or what I'm doing.

On a totally-unrelated note, it would be nice to stop having nightmares where some awful extraterrestrial entity parks itself above my house and zaps me with destructive energy that I can feel physically. Yes, that would be very, very nice. (hint hint, Universe...)

1 comment:

j. said...

Sometimes you're the dog.
Sometimes you're the hydrant.