Friday, May 15, 2009

dan deacon

Another thing I want to do: play a show with Dan Deacon live.

Okay... watch the video and listen to the music, then consider the fact he works directly with waveforms (like sine waves, square waves, and so forth), just like I do...

...and now look at his Wikipedia entry. Specifically, look at the third through fifth words.

That's right. He's born THE SAME DAY AND YEAR AS ME.

I found this to be a really awesome coincidence.


j. said...

I always thought that it was spiffy that Jhonen Vasquez and I are both J.V.s, and were both born on le premier de Septembre. Different years, though. He's a bit older.

Rusty said...

A really weird coincidence is that I played a show Friday night, and had to ask the band that played before me if I could use their sound setup (because mine was, well... stolen... at around the time I met you).

The speakers and such that I was using didn't belong to the band, per se, they belonged to their DJ. You know what his first name was?

Deacon. This after my having discovered Dan Deacon. o_O I just thought it was weird. Then again, I find coincidences in everything, and they don't necessarily "mean" anything.

Completely-unrelated side note: I played a LARP tonight. It was fun.