Tuesday, October 14, 2008

memory lane part 1

Okay, I'm tired of obsessively and reclusively re-learning HTML and JavaScript in an attempt to start down a new career path, at least for the night. Here's a bizarre poem I wrote back in 2004.

Good luck figuring this one out. Incidentally, a bunch of lines from it serve as the song titles to my second TBMPHE album, also called Fox For The Five.

Those barbecues
Floating around in those rooms
Why do they?
The sand is seventeen boxes
And the parch hlang yep khippi zey potu lehng fak.
We spin around madly,
A dance made for three,
And bananas all posmified...
Zip Zap Marie.
Orangutans gibber, wolves howl and yet I
Cannot fashion this chain to be more than it is.
Fazmatazz Arnold and sing of the Zhlee
Who has come a long way
To be cured of the leaps.
I can't stop this whining noise, stuck in my head...
When the train comes, I'm off
To sell motor insurance.
Hal's got the mice, yeah, but I've got the celery.
Kids in small funny boxes.
Here comes 803.
Yeah, 803, now, he connects all the others
And speaks fluent Hebrew and Hap and Gz'mu.
When you've got 803 you've got nothing but Steve.
803! 803!

I don't know what's more frightening... the fact that I managed to compile such complete nonsense into a poem (of sorts).. or that I still remember it.

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