Tuesday, October 14, 2008

memory lane part 2

So the nonsense poem from the previous entry made me think of old stuff, so I ransacked LJ entries to find interesting vignettes.

New stuff will be coming soon. I promise. This is just sort of a clearing of my memory banks.

I was talking to Jason from Young Vulgarians last night and he told me that they had broken up. :( :( :(

I will SO miss their live shows.

Their record label describes their shows better than I can:
"The band made most of its music free or very cheap, the profits usually being thrown off stages during live shows in infamous GREEN $HOWER$. In concerts -- the design of which was heavily influenced by the writings of DeBord, Koolhaas and Baudrillard -- Young Vulgarians let in dogs from the street to run wild, smashed computer equipment on each-other‘s heads, pushed shopping carts across the ceiling, threw Christmas trees and bread and magazines back and forth with the crowd, climbed everything climbable, tore ceilings apart, stood on their heads while performing, jumped quite high in the air with keytars and afros, and spat bloody sugar at teenagers. "

They forgot to mention Jason sticking the microphone in his mouth while singing.

Oh! Here's another anecdote:
"Apart from that, their singer is a total madman, in a good way. He was wearing this weird orange suit and as soon as he came on he started consuming whole packets of sugar. His antics included... frankenstein-walking through the audience, picking up the mike stand and swinging it like an instrument of death, lying on the ground while wailing gibberish about being in an institution as a child, singing with the microphone stuffed in his mouth while crouched in the fetal position on a speaker stack, and (this was the crowning finish of one of their songs) crawling through the audience back onto the stage and tunneling behind the drumkit, where he stayed, in the fetal position, for about five minutes. I was laughing so hard i was crying. These guys are the SHIT."

I will miss them badly.

Last night I was still studying at around 4 AM (I had to get up at 8:30; this is pretty typical for me) and I "heard" the weirdest noise outside. I'm sure it was a fatigue-induced auditory hallucination.

It sounded like a small dog LAUGHING..

I saw Tricycle Guy again this morning. "Hey," I said to him in greeting.
"Bijorgdow," he replied, whizzing past me. At least that's what it sounded like.

That's basically a microcosm of how this year is going.

Wake up, go to class. Come home, do work. Eat dinner. Do more work. Go to class having not slept. Do work. Go to class. Do work. Come home. Eat dinner. Pass out exhausted. Wake up, go to class...

Only a few more weeks. Then I can be human again. I kind of forget what that's like sometimes. :/ My life as it is now is a cycle of feverish labor then unconsciousness where I have the weirdest dreams. More on those later.

I sort of half-fell-asleep in PChem yesterday while the teacher was talking. My body kept going but my mind was completely asleep, dreaming while I was awake. I thought I was taking notes but instead I have things scrawled in my notebook about Batman and unicorns. While I was doing an assignment earlier I caught myself writing "and maybe you can tell the delta-H a bedtime story".

Lab time in 1/2 hour.

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