Wednesday, December 10, 2008


No one has smiled at me like that in waaaaaaaay too long. I almost forgot what it felt like.

1 comment:

j. said...

It's not really part of my book... For lack of ideas, it's mostly an autobiography. Plus I kinda took this wager that if I actually wrote about my life, not a damn soul would believe it. I *do* want to write some more poems about some of the characters I've invented... especially the Melancholoy Pomegranate, Blackfish, and Friendliphant.

I thought about you today, 'cause I made some hummus. Out of a box, but still. I forget who makes it, but it came from Safeway, is vegan, and has an ingredient list about six items long (chickpea flour, tahini, sea salt, lemon juice, sesame oil, and olive oil, if I remember rightly). With the addition of warmish water and more olive oil, it's made a damn tasty dinner thus far... with some celery, whole wheat pitas, and unsweetened green tea. Booya!