Thursday, May 14, 2009

situationism is amazing

With my life having somehow exploded into a massively exercise in indecision and confusion, I've found myself needing new things to think about to distract me. As a result, I've really gotten into the following, at least intellectually:

Culture Jamming
Paris Uprising of 1968

All of these having been heavily influenced by Guy Debord, who I know about primarily due to his being quoted and a huge influence on Orchid, one of my favorite bands ever.

So, I had the following ideas:
  1. Someone needs to hold an entire church service, preferably a really important Mass of some sort... entirely in Klingon.
  2. This one I'll probably actually DO, once I get enough money. ...Essentially, I want to create billboards for entirely fictional products and have these billboards appear on major highways. The billboards should be vague and obtuse, i.e. a picture of a dog smelling something and the words "Enjoy a Baft today!". 25 miles or so down the road, another billboard should be present. This one should also be ambiguous and vague and should say something to the effect of "Did you get your Baft?"
  3. I want to stage a Whirl-Mart demonstration. No, seriously, I REALLY want to do this.
  4. I need to buy monk robes for this, and some of you have heard of this already, but... I want to make a short film based on a dream my sociopathic grandmother had in the 70's. Essentially, she walked up to this weird Greco-Roman-Atlantean temple and met these robed wise men. She tried asking them questions about her life but they never said anything.. UNTIL she asked about my mother. Immediately thereafter, they started yelling "TELL HER TO GO TO THE MOUNTAINS!!!!" at her. I want this performed, and I want the robed people to not yell "TELL HER TO GO TO THE MOUNTAINS" in unison all the time. "TELL HER TO-" "TELL HER- " TELL HER TO GO TO THE MOUNTAINS!" TELL HER TO GO TO THE MOUNTAINS!!!" ...Yeah.
  5. I also want to have the Newark equivalent of subway parties, featuring alcohol of course, but also featuring people wearing the robes in item number four.
More on the reasoning behind all this later, I have things to do.

I'm really starting to think that not doing drugs has returned me to being almost as weird as I was before I started doing drugs.


Jan said...

Guy Deborn. Woo-Wooh! VIVA la revolution!

Rusty said...

I sent you the first part of something I've written for the Shrub book... I'm working on the second part.

I don't know if I'll be able to get the other things done in time (when is the deadline? Is there one? I saw Ryan saying stuff about wanting to get stuff in so I'm assuming I'm not the only person late in getting things in, my life has been insane lately), but if I can just get this two-part chronicle in, I think I'll have described the Shrub pretty well.

Jan said...

No deadline. I'm gonna try and get it together this summer though.

Any drawings you got. send those my way too.