Thursday, November 20, 2008

jesus christ this week has been insane

Hmm, let's see. This week, despite having a cold/flu/whatever that was bad enough to drive me to see a doctor, I have:
  • driven to NYC for the first time ever to drop off a friend at the airport (I've been to the city twice before, but either with family or with a huge field trip group)
  • answered a three-year-long question, albeit in a disappointing manner (not saying any more about this on here, sorry)
  • discovered that NYC is... not quite my cup of tea

Essentially, I drove Nur to the airport on Monday so she could go to Utah to be with her estranged husband. She was supposed to give me her apartment key, so I could give it to her friend, who was going to take two of her cats. If she did (and I'm almost positive she didn't), she waited until we were all massively frustrated at the obtuse postmodern nightmare that is JFK International Airport, and Lauren and I were desperately in need of a restroom. Thus, if she did give me her key, it was invariably lost in the generalized airport chaos.

Fortunately, I will not have to commit burglary in order to save her two adorable four-month-old kitties from starvation and/or dehydration. Nur did send the key to Sam, so he'll be taking things from there. I need to help him find someone to take the cats, since he apparently can't. :/

In terms of other subjects, NYC is... not so gret akshually. I'm sure it's fantastic if: #1 you arrive there with someone who knows the city like the back of their hand, or #2 you have extremely detailed maps that show you which way every one-way street is, and so forth. As it was, our main objective was to find our friend Cat, and, barring that, to get food. We never achieved the former, and the latter took us four hours.

And I suppose I could say that another thing I've learned (as recently as... well, now) is that not only did I have a DXM problem years ago, but I'm also enzyme-deficient. I took 30 mg of it (the recommended dose, believe it or not) two hours ago and I am definitely kind of zwalped. According to the FAQ, this shouldn't happen.

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