Sunday, November 2, 2008

a non-personal post! part 2

This one has unfortunately been read by one of the whopping three people who ever read this blog. Well, two and a half, I guess, because John has read *a post* of this blog, yet hasn't read the rest. I guess the material here *is* a little dense. :D

The post below, however, is not. It's just weird.

I do want to perform this, however...


Looking for something to spice up those lazy Saturday afternoons?
(shows two people sitting in room looking bored)

Try new Maximum Strength Wonf!
(shot of person 1's hand sprinkling something out of a spice bottle, clearly marked "Maximum Strength WONF", into a drink)

(shot of person 1, looking at camera)
Person 1: It's guaranteed to liven things up!

(shows both people; person 2 takes sip of Wonf-laced drink)
(Person 2 immediately changes; his/her head is wrapped entirely in a towel, and he/she is gesticulating wildly)
Person 2: Ouuouooul! Ouuouuul! (wordless howling noise)

(person 1 winks)

(person 2 thrashes about even more frantically, continues wordless howling, begins knocking over furniture while person 1 looks on, pleased)

(shows closeup of Maximum Strength WONF bottle)
Narrator: Maximum Strength Wonf. It's refreshing.

Person 2 (1/2 body shot): OOOUOUUOUL!

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